Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday, July 14th, 2008

Today was another full day at the Leadership Institute! Despite the night's heat, it was overcast and considerably cooler in the morning (considered "fabulous" by some campers). After breakfast, we were off to class.

In our morning session, our first item on the agenda was the Kiersey Temperament Sorter-- a test similar to the MyersBriggs that would determine our personalities based on a series of 70 questions about how we handle issues, our tendencies in interactions with others, and information about our knee-jerk reactions in hypothetical situations. The results of the test would measure how we handled the outside world, ourselves, how we handle issues, and other qualities. Anne Powers, a former TIPster herself, came to speak to us and gave us a PowerPoint presentation on our results and included us in various engaging activities that showed how our similar traits made us different in how we handled the same issues.

After a break for lunch, Katy (our Junior Instructor) gave another presentation and involved us in an engaging, almost Socratic-like discussion on conflict management and resolution options. We split up into groups of six and, using traits of constructive and destructive criticism, made skits that identified and personified each and how each can be good or bad, respectively.

After dinner and a few pick-up games of Ultimate Frisbee, Football, "tip" and lounging on the benches, we were ready for an active Evening Session with reflective journaling based on what we learned that day about our personalities and an outdoor activity tying in teamwork and conflict resolution between leaders. While the activity was challenging yet fun to work through, it was exhausting and we were ready for bed. (MS)

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