Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sharing and Caring

Today can only be defined as a roller coaster of emotions. We began with a moving presentation by Adam and Alyssa who modeled how we would do our cultural discussions. Soon after, we delved into our own conversations with small groups of 2 or 3. By the time these discussions were all over, we had gotten to know each other, and each others backgrounds just a little bit better.

What followed this activity was an experience which I find difficult to write about. The conversation that followed did nothing less but bond our entire group on the primal level. I was blown away by the trust we had in each other and how easily we bared our feelings in front of 35 some of our peers. We were asked to discuss pressures we felt from day to day, and the gravity and self-awareness of my friends that i had barely known for a week shocked me. Several of us broke down, while several more of us may or may not have felt the tears welling up. This was easily the most emotional part of our whole experience here at Duke and I am grateful that I was able to be a part of it.

After this emotionally draining part of the day, we were almost subdued during our risk taking activity. Most of the rest of the day was consumed by the 3 hour movie, Gandhi. After this movie was complete, we had a chance to discuss and reflect over the nature of the leadership reflected in the movie.

Emotionally and physically drained, we headed outside, heads down for the last activity of the night. Desperate for our beds, we were hoping for this impediment to our pillows to be over quickly, when suddenly, our RC's came charging out from behind the bench with water guns. Withing seconds, the tiredness vanished, and pandemonium ensued. After releasing our frustration upon the staff, the students took pity on the poor, drenched RC's/TA's and let them go to bed without soaking them much more. The staff was reduced to tears and before the hour was over, they were all on their hands and knees begging for the bath to stop.

It was a fun end to a great day.

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